FINLAND XI. – Vaasan Yliopisto.

Dnes sa hlásim len takto z rýchlika, kedže za polhodinku sa vydávame na ďalšiu odyseovskú onnibusovskú púť v ústrety teplejšiemu zajtrajšku. Ako to už beyond the wall vo Fínsku býva,  v predpovedi počasia pre Vaasu zjavila sa na zajtra vločka (what’s wrong with you Finland), zbabelo teda dezertujeme na juh do Turku. Určite vám potom podám hlásenie, i keď pravdepodobne nie až také vyčerpávajúce ako to Štokholmské, stay frozen!

Today only quick entry, because in half and hour we are heading south. As it became routine, tomorrow there is fucking little snowflake in my weather forecast for Vaasa (what’s wrong with you Finland), so we are deserting to Turku. I will tell you more about this crusade for sure later, but probably it won’t be so exhaustive as my first Stockholm post.
P.S.: Photos were taken in our beautiful campus near the most beautiful dorms I have ever seen!

Žmurkajúca košeľa//Shirt (here) – Sheinside
Džegíny//Jeggins – Clockhouse
Boty//Flats – H&M
Kabelôčka//Shopper bag – 2nd hand
Okuliare//Sunglasses(here) – Giantvintage

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